Kirpal Week of Loving Kindness was celebrated in Darshan Academy Jalandhar, in the memory of  Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj. Various activities were conducted on this occasion. Tiny tots participated in a Hindi rhyme competition and recited the rhymes confidently. Students also made colourful and 
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To motivate and secure the future of the teachers, a beneficial workshop regarding Mutual Funds was conducted in Darshan Academy Jalandhar. Ms Anita Saini, resource person, (having core industry experience in banking operations, mutual funds) shared the benefits of investments in mutual funds. She talked 
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A spiritual talk was arranged in Darshan Academy, Jalandhar, to guide, motivate, and strengthen the students. Ms. Madhu Arora and Mr. Sanjeev Sambha motivated and guided the students about their inner strength, soul, and God. Ms. Madhu Arora discussed the distractions in meditation and how 
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India marks January 26 as its Republic Day every year. The day was celebrated in Darshan Academy, Jalandhar with great spirit. The school building was tastefully decorated with flowerpots and national flags. On this day, Sarpanch Yashpal Singh Kauldhar hoisted the national flag on the 
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The annual Project Week relating to sustainable development was organised at Darshan Academy, Jalandhar, to inculcate students’ skills. Students prepared beautiful charts and models of different shapes and colours. They made models on renewable natural sources and non-renewable natural sources. The solar energy model showed 
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A book review of the book Detox the Mind was organized at Darshan Academy, Jalandhar, wherein teachers shared stories from the book of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. They shared that negative thoughts like anger, depression, stress, and anguish can be detoxed from our minds. Boosting 
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The Lorhri festival, which offers a panorama of our culture, was celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm in Darshan Academy, Jalandhar. The students’ melodious vocal  “Sundar Mundariya” brought an uplifting feeling, followed by a vigorous folk dance and folk song. A speech was also delivered on 
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A workshop was conducted in Darshan Academy, Jalandhar, by Ms. Suman, community facilitator and programme co-ordinator under the Community Service Programme, along with students of LPU. They enlightened the students about solid waste management. They discussed the importance of separating wet, dry and hazardous waste 
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To encourage and uplift the skills of students and teachers, an Award Ceremony was conducted by the Innocent Hearts Group of Institutions under the guidance of Disha – an initiative under Bowry Memorial Education and Medical Trust. The event was organised to felicitate the academic 
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Darshan Academy Jalandhar organised an Inter House Under 17 Football Match for boys. All houses did their best in the competition. Compassion House bagged first position and Peace House  received second position in the competition. The winners were appreciated by one and all.
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" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."